Phenomenal Tanzanian female diva, performer, Creator, and WCB Wasafi Records song master, Zuchu has just captured her audience’s interest with the release of “Chapati,” her latest song release.

Moreover, Zuchu‘s vocal skill has been recognized in the music industry as one of the most astounding abilities yet to be matched.

Furthermore, the aforementioned composition acts as a swift follow-up to “Naringa,” her previous debut release, which is still generating waves.

The artist compares the ideal soundtrack, which combines the dynamic tempo and intensity of Afrobeats with the percussive and electronic vibes of Electronic Dance Music, to a breath of fresh air.

You should not miss out on this big hit either.

Finally, a special note should be made to the creation and mixing of the First-class mix, which featured Fiokee’s guitar.

Listen and share your thoughts below: